anoter idea怎么读

Another Q&A About KOC-

okay,I think we have the necessary quality.We have the power we need.And we had the idea to re-record a few things that we were not so convinced with.We started to feel like we finally had something good just ...

quot;改天吧"用英语怎么说?难道要说change another day?

2、I'm very sorry,but I won't be able to make it.Another time would be great,though!很抱歉,我无法去。要是换个时间就太好了!3、It's a lovely idea,but I won't be able to join you this time. 好主意,但我这次无法...


idea 配置graphviz File->Settings->Other Settings->PlantUML 使用plantUML画流程图 新建uml 文件 输入测试文字 startuml Alice->Bob:Authentication Request Bob->Alice:Authentication Response Alice->Bob:Another ...

千万别把"改天吧"说成“change another day”老外根本不这么说!今日头条

你可能译成change another day。要是你真的这样翻译就错了, 要是你想在英文中表达,改时间改期。你就要这样说change it to another day. 这里的it指约定好的时间或日子。Oh,I'd like to,but change it to another day. take ...

One man's meat is another man's poison(L23)

On the other hand,your stomach would turn at the idea of trying potatoes in animal fat-the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat ...

(英文翻译)Idea Generation创意的产生

But giving founders an idea almost always doesn’t work.Having ideas is among the most important qualities for a startup founder to have—you will need to generate lots of new ideas in the course of running a ...

每日语法」英语中Other,The Other and Another的使用区别-今日头条

A blue heron.I took a picture but the bird was too far.So I ran closer and took another. 在这段话中我们使用了 other,the other and another。作为一名英语学习者,你日常中可能已经多次使用这些词,但可能仍然不确定...


就是在idea的左边,右边,下边显示的工具窗口(插件窗口) 借用官网的一段说明:Tool windows provide access to development tasks:viewing your project structure,running and debugging your application,integration with...


Another idea that I would like to develop here is that of organized ignorance as an untouched resource.We are always trying to ignorance into knowledge and flip it on its back,as it were.But perhaps ...


1、惊呆了,Spring中竟然有12种定义bean的方法 2、代码写的垃圾被嫌弃?3、牛逼!SpringBoot+Vue企业级支付系统!附源码!4、你真的会写for循环吗?来看看这些常见的for循环优化方式 5、JDK17 来了!不好意思,我还在用JDK8!...