brain out怎么移动


绞尽脑汁的brain beat your brains out 敲打脑袋试图想出什么主意,反复推敲得出办法,因此 beat your brains out 也有绞尽脑汁的含义。I’ve been beating my brains out all weekend to get this written. 整个周末我都在绞...

Brain-machine interfaces:May Change what it means to human-

1.Brain-machine interface-wiki解释 人机接口(BCI=brain–computer interface),通常被称为思想机器接口(MMI=mind-machine interface),或有时直接称为神经接口或脑机接口(BMI=brain–machine interface),是一个直接的...

Algebraic Topology is Revolutionizing Brain Science-

The human connectome is the network of links between different parts of the brain.These links are mapped out by the brain's white matter-bundles of nerve cell projections called axons that connect the nerve ...

Brain Dead 是懂玩「大头凉鞋」的|鞋款|夹克|裤装|风衣|西装|身材比例|uniqlo_网易订阅

奇妙创意不断的 Brain Dead,近日推出品牌全新鞋款。这双半拖样式的新鞋款,鞋面采用了类似长颈鹿身体纹路的块状凸起设计,呈现出趣味可爱轮廓;鞋头采用皮质包覆,增加脚趾保护性;鞋底则通过户外登山鞋才有的大块锯齿设计...

The Idea of the Brain:A History《大脑传》中英文对照03)今日头条

it was also the moment that the modern approach to understanding the brain was set out.In his lecture,Steno boldly argued that if we want to understand what the brain does and how it does it,rather than simply ...

pick your brain可不是“摘脑袋”弄错会很尴尬!脑筋_网易订阅

pick your brain 请教 pick 可以理解为“选择”的意思,而 brain 则是智慧、脑筋,选择你的智慧,意思就是向你请教。如果请教的人不止一个,brain 后面就要加上 s。还有个和它相似的短语:pick your nose,意思是挖鼻孔,大家...

“我脑子不好使”英语怎么说?不是“my brain is broken”

01、My brain isn't functioning. 我脑子不好使了。function表示功能,也可以作为动词表示发挥功能。mybrain isn't functioning 很形象很直接的表示,我的脑子不工作了,俗话也说“脑子不好坏掉了” 例句: Somehow my brain ...

brain fart”是什么意思?可不是“大脑放屁”今日头条

I racked my brain trying to figure out the solution to this problem.Still,I have no clue. 我绞尽脑汁想要找到问题的解决方法,但是我还是毫无头绪。be the brains behind(something) When someone is described as the ...

听演讲|Can the damaged brain repair itself?

I'm very pleased to be here today to talk to you all about how we might repair the damaged brain,and I'm particularly excited by this field,because as a neurologist myself,I believe that this offers one of the ...

兽医脑部超声 Brain Ultrasonography-

A transducer with a small footprint(contact with skin area)and sector image.This allows the ultrasound beam to get through the opening in the skull and widen out to image of the brain.A high-resolution ...