race track怎么读

【双语科普】365天里的汽车往事(1957-8-18,65 years ago)the_com_race

Stirling Moss driving a Vanwall 57 won the Pescara Grand Prix,near Pescara,Italy.The race,which was the only Formula One World Championship race at the track,with a length of 25.579km(15.89 Miles)it was also ...

Photos|Passionate moments of the 10th Guangzhou Marathon_race_World_praise

fired a shot to start the race.Alongside the race track,the adorable mascot"Lele"and the cheering squad danced together to cheer for the runners. In this edition,a"facial recognition"system was implemented for ...

GT1:Race Cars,But For The Road-

going versions of race cars,but maybe it’s time for all the supercar manufacturers to stop just creating track day specials and start putting race numbers on the doors.) 原文链接:...

30秒完成安装 LOOK推出X-Track和Keo Blade两款功率计锁踏

X-Track 功率计锁踏主体由再生铝制成,重400克一对,踩踏面积为550 mm²,重量与 LOOK X-Track Carbon Race差不多(400 克,带垫片),但踩踏面积更大。电子元件和电池集成在脚踏轴心内,减少了水、泥和灰尘造成问题的风险。与...


Trailblazing the race We're acing the game Track女主人公Just like us Now we'll be all the rage 我的勇士在环绕 环绕 Champ that's our title title 打乱布下的阵敌 Now it's the final lap Hit it hit it breaking ...

竞逐赛道 现代汽车高性能N品牌赛道日(N Track Day)第三站珠海热血开跑

N品牌旗下所有的产品都完美传承了三大核心高性能DNA—Corner Rascal(弯道顽童)、Race Track Capability(赛道性能)、Everyday Sports Car(日常跑车),致力于为全球热爱汽车的消费者提供极致驾驶乐趣。并表示:“希望通过N...


国外媒体Tire Track是这么推荐的 用新轮胎在赛道上跑约10-15分钟 首先慢慢起步,然后逐渐在接下来每圈增加速度,最后以超出正常节奏跑5-10秒。注意不要过快的升高轮胎温度,也不要锁死轮胎或者发生侧滑。之后,将轮胎放于正常...

Race Entry|2024 Youxi Ultra Trail Triathlon_be_the_Town

Race Category and Distance Age Groups 1.Age group will be determined by the age of him/her on December 31,2024. 2.The Organizing Committee reserves the right to adjust the age groups in view of the actual ...


赛事信息 Race Information 赛事归属: 2023深圳公园文化季 赛事名称: 引擎鸟·2023深圳远足径跑山训练赛(阳台山站) 比赛日期: 2023年6月24日(周六) 赛事起点: 广东 深圳市阳台山森林公园大浪入口(胜利大营救纪念碑...


跑:短跑:sprint中长跑:middle-distance race长跑:long-distance race马拉松:marathon 跳跃:跳高:high jump跳远:long jump三级跳:triple jump撑竿跳:pole vault 投掷:推铅球:putting the shot,shot put掷铁饼:...