
大神推荐学习免流(hap jume tiny)模式详细教程

加入一些其他的伪装比如Host:空格等,或者加入彩信代码,多重给予免流标记。第二部使用合适的防跳脚本。第六章:测试模式可能突破当地计费系统?记住2条 1网速越快越不免 2如果有延迟变大,快突破了,有冲突才会延迟。第七章 ...



【电影】《The Map of Tiny Perfect Things》细节简析

故事讲述了一位自称为“博士”(The Doctor)的时间领主用他伪装成20世纪50年代英国警亭的时间机器塔迪斯(TARDIS,即”Time And Relative Dimension(s)In Space“的缩写)与其搭档在时间、空间探索悠游、惩恶扬善、拯救文明、...

Borderlands Fan对Dragon Keep的模仿进行了现实版的攻击|tiny|borderlands|fist|bumps|dragon_

Redditor Imperial_Fist_Bumps 分享了他们试图从Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep中重现模仿者的几张照片。它们的拟态外形是胸型的,可以将自己伪装成一个普通的百宝箱和一个长满牙齿的嘴巴。胸部内侧呈粉红色,形似嘴巴...

(英文原版)星球大战 从某种角度来看(帝国反击战)第二十八章 伪装一切,直至成功下

In frustration,he kicked a dormant mouse droid at the wall,knocking over a stack of mops.They clattered to the floor,and Jaxxon’s jaw dropped as he saw the tiny figure that had been hiding behind the cleaning ...

(英文原版)星球大战 从某种角度来看(帝国反击战)第二十八章 伪装一切,直至成功上

Heads turned as he passed.It was hardly surprising.The people of Cloud City knew style when they saw it.His cape billowed as he swaggered toward the baron administrator’s office,the silk lining shimmering in ...

如何评价美剧《上载新生 第二季》知乎

4、I am not your regular angel.She's running a tiny bit late this morning.But I am filling in as best I can. 这几句表达也非常实用: 首先regular的这种用法,也可以表达常客、老客户,即 regular customer;其次迟到...

纪录片《小小世界(Tiny World)第一季第四集-英语字幕(生词)哔哩哔哩

Tiny World subtitle Season 1 EPISODE-4 Outback(n.内地)Planet Earth is so spectacular,it's easy to miss the smaller things in life.But take a closer look.and there's a whole undiscovered world.A world where tiny...


如何改串?进入蜂窝—模块设置—高级设置,如图所示: 设置完成...跟原厂系统有什么区别,很多人刷入了第二系统不知道怎么玩,看着1GB的 内存 和8GB的emmc不知所措,只能靠刷一点流量维持这么强大的硬件“发光发热”,实属浪费。...